Corporate Wellness Programme

Wellness at the Workplace

Creating a workplace that engages and supports employees is critical to the success of an organisation.The educational workshops that we offer, will enable employees to establish a much deeper understanding of the physiology involved in stress and anxiety and its relationship with the nervous system.

They will also provide them with different tools and breathing techniques which can help them to combat stress, increase energy, stronger immunity, control their emotions, boost resilience, heightened focus, enhance creativity and being more productive


Employee Wellbeing

Every session will help you to further develop different mind-body techniques, with the aim to provide you with the tools necessary to gain more control over your emotions, ability to deal with challenging situations and boost your general wellbeing.

Team Building

Create a more harmonious and productive environment through educational workshops. These will be designed according to your needs (Group session-up 20 people).

Tools will be provided to enable you to continue practicing once the workshop in completed.

Boost Productiviy

Combat stress to boost productivity by learning to use core techniques of different mind-body techniques, focusing mainly in breathing techniques. The Workshop will cover theory and also practical exercises to help you gain a deeper understanding of the interconnection between your nervous system and the breath.

Programme Info

Our programmes are adapted to the needs of each individual option and include access to support by e-mail or telephone during the duration of this period.

All programs include a free telephone / video call session of 15 minutes approx.

  • Access to 4 one hour sessions of mind-body techniques and breathing re-training. These sessions use core techniques of the Buteyko breathing method and will cover theory & breathing exercises to help you gain a deeper understanding of the interconnection between your nervous system and breath. These techniques are relatively simple to use with the correct guidance and commitment.

  • Educational Workshops

    €495 (Price for Group session – Up to 20 people) – 4 x one hour sessions

    Sessions are usually arranged as one session a week for the whole group.

    The final session can be arranged as a follow up, taking place 2 weeks after your final consultation.

    Follow up sessions available on request.

    • Tools will be provided to enable you to continue practicing once the workshop in completed.

    • During this period, you will also have access to external communication with us by email to answer any questions you may have during the course. In addition to this, you will receive additional online resources to aid your treatment from some of the world’s leading experts in Buteyko breathing.

    • There is no minimum number of attendees but there is an ideal maximum of 20 per class. Sessions are available both in-person and online. These can be delivered at a time to suit the flexibility of your busy schedule.


Specialised Programmes for 65+


Wim Hof Method® Workshops