Nuria Outeiral

Wim Hof Method® Certified Instructor, General Health Psychologist, Breathing Practitioner, Yoga Teacher, Trauma Facilitor, Health & Wellness Coach

About Me

Hi, My name is Nuria. I am a Certified Wim Hof instructor. My background is in Health Psychology, Therapy, Teaching, Breathwork, Yoga, Mindfulness and Dance. My work experience has shown me how illness-related stress and poor health habits negatively affects an individual’s wellbeing and how this contributes to its aggravation.

I have a specific interest in providing a more holistic approach to health. My aim is to help others to improve their health naturally, by creating a more positive relationship with their own Physiology, while providing them with the tools necessary to reconnect with themselves, handle the stressors of every day life and also take control of their own Health.

I started practicing the Wim Hof Method five years ago and I can personally say that it has helped me to improve my quality of life significantly. I certainly feel Healthier, Happier and Stronger. Now, as a Certified Instructor of the Wim Hof Method, my wish is to share this experience with those in the search of Growth, Freedom and Empowerment.

How I can help

Breathing Re-Education

Learn how to achieve healthier breathing patterns with the Buteyko Breathing Method.

Anxiety, Stress & Depression

Multidisciplinary approach, which involves breathing techniques paired with movement and psychological therapies, to manage anxiety & stress.

Chronic Ilness

Application of psychological interventions, paired with breathwork, yoga and other holistic therapies, to help you manage illness and cope with symptoms and the emotions attached to it.

Emotional Difficulties

Control your emotions by observing your body responses to stressful triggers, and learn how to control them.

Respiratory Issues

Learn to manage and improve symptoms - Asthma, Rhinitis, Snoring, Sleep Apnea, Long Covid, COPD.

Menstruality & Menopause

Address discomfort and stress related to menstruation and menopause through breathwork and movement.

“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them”

— Rumi